Excited to get my hands on the print edition! I started out with the serialization and loved it, but then lost track sometime in the fall and never caught up so I’m excited to finish in print! I’m surprised by the page count as well, this really is your epic.

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Thanks, look forward to your feedback! After Portraits and Ashes, which someone once called a novella even though its 90K words, I decided to err on the side of larger font sizes. If I'd used the P&A font, the page count might be more like 400-500, but I didn't want to strain everyone's eyesight.

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Looking forward to buying and receiving the physical copy! Our poor coffee table will have to give up even more of the little book-less surface it still has left. My reading in 2023 was full of slight novels, but in 2024 I'm already reading Middlemarch, with Major Arcana to come. This may be the year to reread Ulysses, given the other thick-spined company.

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Thank you—I'm in good company, but I am, if not slight, easier to read than those other two!

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Congratulations! I'm truly honoured to have provided the blurb. I hope many more readers will discover the pleasure of reading your work.

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Thanks very much!

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