Yes, this ties back to Cormac McCarthy hanging out in the desert with the scientists rather than with other writers.

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Ha, I didn’t realise until now that when me and a friend (https://whereabouts.substack.com/) were talking about Perez this weekend he was paraphrasing you on playing the game. https://grandhotelabyss.substack.com/p/weekly-readings-36-101022-101622

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I think that signatories list is just the copied reply-all for Smith College alumnae circa-2009. (I say this as someone who's dated and cared for multiple Smith alumnae, lol.)

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I scanned the list to see if there were any big names. There mostly weren't—one person's institutional affiliation is given as "barista, Barnes & Noble"—but I did see the name of bestselling novelist Lee Child.

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