Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as a geography nerd I'm curious about something. It looks like none of your books are explicitly set in the Twin Cities metro even though you've lived in the area for a long time. Is there a reason for this or is it just a coincidence?

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Portraits and Ashes is set in a sort of dream-city that includes Minneapolis in its make-up, especially the central public library, a sublime modernist monstrosity in glass, but otherwise you're right. I'm actually leaving this city very soon, returning to Pittsburgh. Maybe it will surface in my imagination when I no longer live there/here. But, in all honesty, the local culture is famously somewhat impenetrable, and most of the people I got to know well in this place were academic or artistic types from either the East Coast or overseas. I remember being at a party in or just after graduate school and realizing that everybody in that house in Minneapolis was from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania—and Ireland, South Africa, and South Korea!

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Fwiw, no objection to commodification (I got paid to write it), only to not reflecting on how writing for a market/audience/etc presumably presupposes some at least vestigial faith in the possibility of truthfully/effectually communicating in such fashion...

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Understood, will make an edit. I was anxiously equating oversimplification with commodification itself, no doubt the residue of my own guilty conscience!

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