Yeah, some fun dunks in that discourse but it's clear that most of those people have never actually read *Sexual Personae*. I take Paglia less seriously than you do, but still... They're still liking my little thought in response to one of those you quoted about how her main innovation was to make a certain kind of ruthless aestheticism compatible with a more or less traditionalist view of sex and gender relations "all art is rape and pederasty and death and that's good, but also everything Nonna said about men and women is true..." so I may unfortunately actually have to write that essay. My guess for the non-sex & gender hideous Paglian opinion would be her climate denial, I can't think of anything else!

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Yes, that's not a bad description of her "tragic optimism," and maybe those who weren't both drawn to ruthless aestheticism and sentimentally loyal to their Italian grandmothers can't relate as well as I can. She did take back the pederasty thing later, as Delany, for instance, did not. I would just like to see people who say she isn't "smart" (not, again, that I care about smart by itself) produce their own essays on The Faerie Queene. I'll actually be satisfied if they can even get through The Faerie Queene! "Smart" doesn't mean "agrees with me." Re: your guess...no comment.

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Okay, *one* comment, so people don't darkly speculate: I wouldn't put it the way she does, nor would I make categorical pronouncements about the reality of this or that, I just think vigilance is in order when the "data" and the "science" seem to show that we must now implement a Malthusian agenda, i.e., that the breeding and the food consumption (among other things) of the lower orders must be regulated out of existence, to which at least a significant minority of the rich and the intelligentsia on left, right, and center have been drawn for almost two centuries, long before the present data and science, speaking of G. B. Shaw...

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by John Pistelli

Yeah I figured for you it's more like skepticism along those lines (I personally don't doubt the science itself, but I question if IE; degrowth is the best solution for the same reasons you outline etc) whereas she opts for the straightforward "fake news" line

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